Commercial Real Estate Services
Commercial Real Estate Services
投资房地产公司自1975年以来一直在圣安东尼奥商业房地产领域创造财富. We are the specialists in investment real estate. IRC的成员和员工拥有超过100年的销售和租赁经验. IRC拥有超过三十年的经验,组建了80多个商业房地产合作伙伴关系,旨在让个人, pension plans, 公司和其他商业实体投资于产生收益的房地产和开发前的土地.
Meet the Investment Realty Team
In order to provide the best service to our clients, Investment Realty Company is ready to provide our expertise, we can assist in facility, site and land acquisition and/or disposition.
德克萨斯州的7个不同的市场区域都有自己独特的景观和特征. These influence not only the average price of land, but also the easibility of building a house, for instance. Over the years, the cost of land in Texas has continued to rise, corresponding to the national real estate market conditions. Several factors, such as the size of a plot, the demand for land, the terrain, and the accessibility of the land, play an important role in this regard. 高价格的两个主要因素是城市居民不断涌入农村地区,因为他们寻找用于商业或农业以外用途的空地, and the development of rural and suburban areas.
Rent rates vary greatly and are dependent on location, age of the property, curb appeal, demographics of the surrounding neighborhood, adjoining tenants like a grocery or pharmacy, etc.
Yes, it is! 十多年来,奥斯汀-圣安东尼奥走廊一直是最强劲的房地产市场之一, 这包括住宅和商业开发. 圣安东尼奥以其稳定可靠的市场而闻名, 拥有强大的人口结构和非常热情的商业社区. Add to this many popular local attractions, and well-respected public schools, 圣安东尼奥是一个做生意和养家的好地方.
Interim financing, also known as a bridge loan or gap financing, 以临时条款获得资金以完成交易的过程. IRC Capital Residential Ltd. 是一家总部位于圣安东尼奥的私人非银行贷款机构,为住宅建设提供临时建设融资, generally for a term from six to twelve months. 该基金是房屋建筑商从私人股本池获得贷款的资源.
一个新房建造者在他想建造新房的小区中确定地段. 他应该会有几个买家购买那些已经签了合同的待建房屋. IRC为建筑商提供高达100%的资金来建造房屋.
临时建设贷款是为支持公寓建设而提供的有担保的短期贷款, homes, complexes, office buildings, shopping centers, and other durable permanent structures. 它通常只持续到建筑完工.
During construction, one has to pay the interest. 只有在工程完工后才需要还清贷款. Further, because of the higher risk involved, 建设贷款的利率通常高于传统的抵押贷款. IRC Capital Residential Ltd. 贷款期限为6至12个月,贷款金额由10万元至60万元不等.
德克萨斯州是美国最大的州,建筑业十分繁荣. Needless to say, 建筑贷款有多种选择,用于建造新房或装修. In Texas, 建设贷款通常涉及贷款人,随着建设项目的进展,贷款人分期向借款人提供必要的资金. Further, 德克萨斯州的建筑贷款往往比其他类型的贷款利率更高, such as home equity loans.
德克萨斯州的建筑贷款将涉及贷款人以一系列分期付款的方式向借款人提供资金. 这些图纸被称为施工图纸,并在施工过程中绘制,每次图纸都要在资金投入之前进行检查. Prior to loan approval, 借款人必须提供有关项目的详细计划和规格, estimated budget, and timeline of the completion of the project. 在德克萨斯州,建筑贷款可用于住宅和商业用途.
它们可以是短期的,也可以是长期的,可以是固定利率,也可以是可变利率,这取决于市场. 如有任何关于德州建筑贷款的进一步查询,您可以通过电话与我们联系 (210) 828-9261.
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